CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 'Motivated, Inspired': CFAES Students go to National Leadership Conference

    work force. Sessions included Resume Building, Ethics in the Workplace, Making a Positive Impact, ...

  2. Junior Fair Board Skyline Event

    Bring your family and friends out to enjoy lunch and a portion of the sales from 12-4:00pm will be given to the Clinton County JFB. ...

  3. From Sports to the Workplace, Leadership Can Propel Success

    foremost center for making a positive difference in the lives of individuals, families, organizations, and ...

  4. Emphasis On Food Safety Possible Through New Grant

    Block Grant, several Ohio organizations, including Ohio State University Extension, are making sure that ...

  5. Continued Dry Conditions May Favor Spider Mites

    "Outbreaks can occur not only along field edges, but within in a field itself, so growers should make sure ...

  6. Continued Harvest Delays May Mean More Lodging Corn

    lodging, can reduce quality and make it difficult to harvest corn, subsequently reducing yields. ...

  7. Support the Ohio 4-H Foundation

    those 4-H memories of tomorrow. Tell us your story! Did 4-H make a difference in your life?  We want to ...

  8. Aphids and Rust on the Brain, But Don't Forget About Slugs

    make sure growers don't forget about them as there could be the potential for problems if not ...

  9. Aggressive Weed a Potential Problem for Livestock Producers

    grazing, hay harvest, and replanting. OSU Extension specialists urge caution when making broadleaf ...

  10. Agriculture and Plastics Sectors Join to Develop Ohio Bio-composites Industry

    improve the properties of composite products-- making them lighter in weight, lower in cost, and less ...
