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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Ohio Weed May Be Useful Forage Product

    periods of seasonal growth) that make it ideal for forage production. It certainly puts a whole new spin ... the forage characteristics of the plant that make it compatible with other common pasture ...

  2. Ohio Drought Doesn't Slow Soybeans; Record Yields Possible

    Beuerlein. "Green stems may make it tough to harvest, but if growers wait and let the plants dry down, ... weather, but even within those areas, variability is making it difficult to determine the extent of the ...

  3. Chow Line: Grapes have bunches of benefits (for 9/30/07)

    most popular for making raisins). According to the National Nutrient Database, a cup of the ... reactions that lead to the stiffening of heart muscle, making the heart work harder to pump blood. ...

  4. Chow Line: DASH diet no fad, just healthful eating (for 9/16/07)

    hypertension should consult with their doctor before making any changes). The focus of DASH is to incorporate ... American adults who are obese or overweight. Making such substitutions also can assist in reducing sodium ...

  5. Chow Line: Choose carefully at Chinese restaurants (for 8/10/08)

    I heard how unhealthy it was. Are there healthy options? Absolutely. By limiting portions and making ... Dietetic Association and the American Heart Association, offer tips on making healthy choices at Chinese ...

  6. Chow Line: Consumer use of food labels declines (for 10/19/08)

    easy-to-read information about the nutrients in foods so they could make more informed choices. But a study by ... calcium, vitamins A and C, and iron. Look at the calories per serving and serving size to make sure you ...

  7. OSU Expert: Strong Demand for Wheat Straw Leaves Farmers Debating Whether to Sell or Leave It for Nutrients and Soil Organic Matter

    make more for their wheat straw than they typically would have in a normal season.   “However, there ...

  8. Killing Crop-Eating Pests: Compounds Work by Disrupting Bugs' Winter Sleep

    and Development Center. "If we can do anything to disrupt the timing of that, make them go into ... adverse times and makes them vulnerable to environmental conditions." Controlling these pests while ...

  9. Effects from Sandy Could Delay Harvest and Impact Corn Yields

    yield declines for corn and making a bad year even worse for many growers who’ve had losses because of ...

  10. Ohio Maple Days Set for Jan. 24-26

    discuss how to better market Ohio maple syrup. His presentation is titled “Sugarmaking, Money Making or ...
