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Ohio Growers Facing Compaction Harvesting in Wet Soils
deep compaction, especially if it turns out to be a wet spring. "You don't want to make a bad ...
OSU Extension Helping Ohio Schools Better Manage Pests
Agriculture. "It's all about making the schools safer for youth, faculty, staff by following IPM ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-21
development has been poor in some locations in Ohio. Thus, when examining roots, make sure that rootworm ... other areas are not. Thus, prior to treating for silk clipping, make sure the entire field is scouted. ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-27
warranted. In speed scouting, it is suggested that you should sample twice within 3-4 days, making ... a treatment decision each time, before actually making the choice to treat. For more information on soybean ...
Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Food Trash and Climate Change, or Don't Flump Muffin Stumps in Dumps (for the Week of June 15, 2008)
greenhouse gases, at too-high levels, can make Earth hotter and cause global climate change. Scientists say ...
Thumbs-Up for Crops Despite Performance Challenges
true, it would make it Ohioâs second-highest harvest in history â behind the 147 bushels per acre ... are unable to get wheat in the ground, planting corn or alfalfa makes a good substitute. The corn crop ...
Survey Shows Higher Levels of Concern on Food, Agricultural, Environmental Issues
concerned" today, compared with 29 percent two years ago. "That makes sense, with so much more media ... landscape," Sharp said. "As we look to the future and a less knowledgeable population, it may make sense ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-10
– metribuzin or Canopy/Cloak DF + metribuzin, making sure that the metribuzin rate is at least 0.38 lbs ai/A. ... produce primarily large droplets. 5. Substitute tillage for burndown herbicides. Make sure that the ... toolbars do reduce surface disturbance, and they do require less draft power to make the applications, but ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-23
any feeding and lodging and trap for the variant to help make decisions on managing corn rootworm next ... educator so they can make us aware of the aphid’s presence. However, at the current time, it is looking ...
OARDC Event Focuses on the Edible Garden
Agricultural Research and Development Center program on Oct. 20. The event focuses on growing apples, ...