CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Soybean School New Addition to 2010 Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    event will be held Feb. 25-26 at the McIntosh Center of Ohio Northern University in Ada. Sponsors ...

  2. Support the Ohio 4-H Foundation

    those 4-H memories of tomorrow. Tell us your story! Did 4-H make a difference in your life?  We want to ...

  3. Bamboo Garden

    barrier will need to be pruned. Dwarf bamboos can also make lovely additions to container displays, but ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-16

    When considering replanting soybean, make sure to take into account existing stand, yield loss due to ...

  5. Impact

    their planning and decision making.   Farm Animal Welfare in Ohio Summary: Factors associated with ... with more stringent phosphorus and nitrogen limits by EPA making facility upgrades more expensive.  ...

  6. SENR Soil Scientist Working to Make P-Index More Functional

    SENR Soil Scientist  Libby Dayton  is gathering and organizing science-based data so farmers can easily use it to help improve water quality.   ...

  7. AWBC on the Oval

    Animal Welfare and Behavior Club is having a fundraiser on the oval from 12-4 on Tuesday, April 25th and they will be selling homemade dog treats and toys for $2 each or $3 for both!   ...

  8. Agronomy Programming-January, 2014

    offered online in winter 2014. There are three ways to view these events. One is at select county arranged ...

  9. CORN SILAGE HARVEST TIMING Make sure the sample does not dry down and keep it cool until the ...

  10. Agriculture and Plastics Sectors Join to Develop Ohio Bio-composites Industry

    improve the properties of composite products-- making them lighter in weight, lower in cost, and less ...
