CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. NEW! Your Pond Update

    manufacturers make dyes approved for aquatic applications.  The classic formulae are bright blue, but if you ...

  2. Waterman a Model for Water Conservation

    invited to the two-day event to participate in special tours and workshops focusing on underground utility ...

  3. Wet Spring Focus of Vegetable Grower Tour

    diseases, which just makes the information presented on the tour that much more important." The ...

  4. Soybean Research/Products Focus of Collaborative Program

    State, Michigan State, Penn State, Cornell and Purdue universities. Representatives make up an array of ...

  5. Ag. Organization Looks to Strengthen Industry's Technology Future

    resource and agriculture decision-making. This is beneficial to all who use such technology in the ...

  6. Wheat and Heat Don't Mix

    a critical time of grain filling which can make or break yields. "The wheat crop has just finished ...

  7. Using Optical Sensors to Improve Nitrogen Management

    supporting the crop," said Mullen. "There is also a wildcard in this technology with making ...

  8. High Tunnels May Protect Brambles from Winter Injury

    transporting vessels and make the plant more susceptible to disease. "The extent of winter injury depends ...

  9. Project Focusing on Pawpaw for Preservation and Niche Crop

    cultivating the pawpaw locally is being sought because the tree makes an attractive landscape plant and has ...

  10. Prospective Plantings Not a Surprise. It's Weather that Could Shape Grower Decisions

    plans, but ultimately the weather may make the decision for them. U.S. growers are projected to plant ...
