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Wheat Growers Watching Weather in Ohio as Crops Are Ahead Two Weeks and Could Result in Strong Yields or Diseased Fields
issue is that we are ahead of schedule, causing some concern, understandably so, because most wheat ...
OSU Sustainable Ag Tour offers up-close look at alternative production systems
person. Not everything can be learned in a classroom; sometimes you need to go to the site to understand ...
High Tunnel Workshop Offers Farmers Options to Increase Profits
gain a better understanding of how to use high tunnels to boost on-farm profits? Now you have the ...
New Ribes Trials and Compost Sock System Demo Part of Hort Field Night
The irrigation demonstration and training unit will also be showcased, which features technology that ...
INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Louisiana State University
important that young people understand the urgency we have with restoring those wetlands. It depends. The ...
Spring 2015 SENR Seminar Series
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute Center for Species Survival Mar. 26 Special event – Protecting ...
Family Fundamentals: What kids really mean when you hear 'I'm bored' (for July 2006)
they are yearning for more structure, more involvement and more interaction with you, with friends or ...
Take a Journey in the Outdoors
a passing window. Then after work we rush to errands, to children’s events and when we arrive home it’s off ...
Late Planting Start May Call for Adjusting Management Practices for Corn
freeze event hit the region and damaged a lot plants. “But that year, we ended up with corn replanted by ...
Research Assistant with USGS in Ft Collins, CO
candidate will have experience identifying aquatic insect larvae and a working understanding of the effects ...