CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. EEDS Program Graduate: How I Launched My Sustainability Career

    events. Just the other week, I went to a B Corp event in Richmond, Virginia and had the opportunity to ...

  2. Frequently Asked Questions for Transfer Students

    clubs and organizations to join.  You can participate in intramural sports, Ohio State athletic events ...

  3. Terra Byte Journal

    give us insights to planter performance! These awesome tools sure beat using a tape measure to evaluate ...

  4. 2006 Seed Grants

    distributed through educational events, an easy to navigate web-based resource, and through local Extension ... same tools and following the same basic structure, the data will be useful for focusing on the ...

  5. Ohio Pesticide Recertification Conference- Dayton

    a disability, please call (614) 292-4070 at least two weeks prior to the event.   Commercial Pesticide License ...

  6. Animal Science Clothing Orders!

    The Dept. of Animal Sciences is now taking orders for embroidered and screen print clothing items (button up shirts, polos, jackets, vests, sweatshirts, hats, etc.). This is only done once a year and everything is "made to order”. In other words, the ...

  7. Science of Appearance

    appearance of insects are examples of phenological events that have been recorded for ages. Phenology is not ... begin to fade.  Phenology also observes the relationship between events and local weather conditions. ...

  8. Small-Scale Landscape Certification Test Oct. 12

    Landscape certification test this Friday ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-13

    rather late except for silage corn. 3) The nitrogen applied to the wheat can be used by soybeans and may ... a substantial rainfall event is important when attempting to estimate the amount of nitrogen lost. Early-spring ... decreases soil-nutrient interaction. For nutrients that are subject to fixation (phosphorus being our best ...

  10. Graduate student conducts research on rabies transmission in Ethiopa as a part of One Health

    rabies. There seemed to be quite a range of understanding about rabies transmission among groups from ... a very good understanding among health professionals to traditional healer beliefs and practices in the ...
