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QA Training
All 4-H and FFA market and breeding livestock members must attend a quality assurance session. Failure to do so results in the member not being allowed to show their animal(s) at the 2017 Champaign County Fair. ...
QA Training
All 4-H and FFA market and breeding livestock members must attend a quality assurance session. Failure to do so results in the member not being allowed to show their animal(s) at the 2017 Champaign County Fair. ...
QA Training
All 4-H and FFA market and breeding livestock members must attend a quality assurance session. Failure to do so results in the member not being allowed to show their animal(s) at the 2017 Champaign County Fair. ...
Reaping the Harvest- Grow and Know Event- Butler County Farm Bureau
Reaping the Harvest Flyer RSVP to Butler County Farm Bureau Office by October 3, 2016 at 513-844-8371 or email: Space is limited...Don't delay! ...
Two Day ServSafe Training
Click HERE for flyer and registration ...
Fungicides, Red Thread, Leaf Spots, Patch Diseases and Dollar Spot
slightly warmer at a 3 inch depth for several days in a row, research indicates that this is an ideal time ...
Recent Developments Surrounding PCNB
toxicological significance. Consequently the US EPA ordered a stop sale, use or removal order effective ...
Camp Counselor Training
Camp Counselor Training
Camp Counselor Training