CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Virtual Volunteer Info Sessions

    execute outreach and community events, lead tours, and so much more.  Our volunteer season officially ...

  2. Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens

    guide fertilizer applications so just the right amount is used. Test results also provide information ... a blood test for the soil. Soil tests can be used for four purposes: maintaining proper soil fertility; ... of plant nutrients. Excess nutrients not used by plants may escape into groundwater, streams and ...

  3. NOW is the time to start your 4-H Enrollment- Deadline to enroll is March 31

    member instructions   RETURNING member instructions (if you have ever been in 4-H use this guide for ...

  4. APPLY NOW!! 4-H and Agriculture & Natural Resources Program Assistant in Ashtabula County

    youth training programs, 4-H school enrichment programs, 4-H project evaluation events, camp, and ... related county level events and opportunities including training/meetings. The Program Assistant will work ... with partner agencies to schedule events and activities and assist with other 4-H and Agriculture and ...

  5. FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food Participant Course Version 2.0

    documents and important knowledge that Preventive Controls Qualified Individuals (PCQIs) will need to keep ... Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA), uses the “standardized curriculum” recognized by FDA. Participants will ... contribute to the company’s food safety plan and use preventive controls such as sanitation, operations, and ...

  6. SENR’s Ambassador program

    program?   Erin: SENR Ambassadors serve as representatives of the school for outreach and public events ... at these events.   Specifically, this partnership with EPN will allow an Ambassador to provide their ... thoughts on the program topic and introduce the keynote speaker at each event.  SENR Ambassadors also write ...

  7. Determining the Grazing Intensity and Move Frequency for Your Rotational Grazing System

    professionals. Grazing Systems For livestock producers using pasture grazing, deciding which grazing system is ... weed competition Rotational grazing systems use more than one paddock in a pasture to restrict ... systems can be designed to use a spectrum of grazing intensity and rotational frequency levels. The ...

  8. Events and Outreach

    This free event provides the opportunity to meet students, staff and faculty at tables promoting their ...

  9. Livestock

    event and lunch are free of charge. Dates and speakers are as follows: Date Topic Speaker November 20, ...

  10. Virtual Volunteer Info Sessions

    execute outreach and community events, lead tours, and so much more.  Our volunteer season officially ...
