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Carbon tetrachloride
ACTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Carbon tetrachloride levels were detected in your water sample to exceed the ... maximum contaminant level (MCL). ACTION IS OPTIONAL Carbon tetrachloride levels were detected in your ...
Ohio Dragonfly Research, presented by Jim Lemon, OCVN
2017 is the first year of a planned three- year statewide survey; the first large scale effort since the 1990's. We are looking to get good data primarily through photographic observation and also collecting. We will be using iNaturalist for photo su ...
MarketView...U.S. Dairy Outlook Brief October-December 2010
sources of variability in your milk price. On Variability vs. Volatility We hear a great deal today about ... nonfat dry milk (NDM), and whey. Federal Order 33 Weekly Blend Price: Focus your attention on the solid ...
Nematodes Effective Against Grape Pest
Parwinder Grewal, an Ohio State University entomologist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ... farmers." Research conducted by Grewal and his associates Roger Williams and Dan Fickle found that, in lab ... zealandica) produced 92 percent and 86 percent control of grape root borer, respectively. The researchers then ...
Delayed planting effects on corn yield: A “historical” perspective
20 percent behind the five-year average. Long term research by universities and seed companies across ...
MCL MCL ADVISORY- ACTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Xylene levels were detected in your water sample to ... exceed the maximum contaminant level (MCL). ACTION IS OPTIONAL Xylene levels were detected in your water ...
your water sample to exceed the maximum contaminant level (MCL). ACTION IS OPTIONAL Simazine levels ... were detected in your water sample but do not exceed the maximum contaminant level. detection suggest ...
Oxamyl (Vydate)
RECOMMENDED Oxamyl levels were detected in your water sample to exceed the maximum contaminant level (MCL). ... ACTION IS OPTIONAL Oxamyl levels were detected in your water sample but do not exceed the maximum ...
were detected in your water sample to exceed the maximum contaminant level (MCL). ACTION IS OPTIONAL ... Methoxychlor levels were detected in your water sample but do not exceed the maximum contaminant level. ...
European Dairy Industry Study Abroad
of nitrogen, and like in the US, research is being conducted at reducing methane production by cows ...