CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



The page you are looking for could not be found. Here are some suggestions

  1. alpha Sigma Upsilon Recruitment Event: Tie Dye Night

    Location: 2539 Neil Ave ...

  2. Alpha Sigma Upsilon Recruitment Event: T-Shirt Remake

    Location: Ag Admin 105 ...

  3. Alpha Sigma Upsilon Recruitment Event: Cook Out

    Location: Archer Porch ...

  4. Alpha Sigma Upsilon Recruitment Event: Pool Party

    Location: The Commons on Kinnear ...

  5. Ohio 4-H Week- Wear Your 4-H Stuff to School & Work!


  6. How will I know if I have a quiz to take?

    On the Course Home page, you have an Updates box on the lower left. If there are quizzes available, you will see a (number) Quiz available link. Clicking this link will take you to Quizzing Home. On this page you will see linked quiz titles followed by wh ...

  7. How much time is allotted for each quiz?

    Time allowed varies, but you will find it listed on the Quizzes page (found though the Quizzes link) and it will also be listed in the quiz instructions before you begin an individual quiz. Quizzes ...

  8. How many quizzes are there?

    For Certificate 1, there will be six REQUIRED Certificate Quizzes: one quiz for general Course Information and one each for the modules listed below: I) Soils, II) Sands, III) Irrigation, IV) Drainage, and V) Field Renovation. There are also five Extra Cr ...

  9. How many questions are on each quiz?

    The number of questions per quiz may vary, but it will be listed in the quiz instructions before you begin an individual quiz. Quizzes ...

  10. How many points is each quiz worth?

    The points for each quiz varies; however, you will see the number of points a quiz is worth listed in the quiz instructions before you begin an individual quiz. Extra credit quizzes are worth 3 points. If you check Grades (upper left scarlet navigation ba ...
