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How is the course organized?
For Certificate 1, the certificate is organized into 5 modules. The modules of the certificate are I) Soils, II) Sands, III) Irrigation, IV) Drainage, and V) Field Renovation. For Certificate 2, the certificate is organized into 3 modules. The modules o ...
How are the points divided?
For Certificate 1, there is 1 required Course Information quiz. This quiz is not worth any points, but must be completed with at least a 70% passing grade before you can take any other course quizzes. There are 5 compulsory quizzes, worth 10 points each ...
How do I get help with course content?
You will be responsible for initiating contact and for being persistent when you need additional help. Send e-mail to the instructor. You can also telephone the instructor. If on the Columbus campus, see the instructor. Make an appointment for one-to-one ...
We want your news!
We want to hear from you! Please use the form below to tell us what you've been up to. ALUMNI NEWS SUBMISSION We also hope you'll give us feedback on News from Ohio State ATI. Have a suggestion for improvement? Have an idea for a story? Please ...
Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training Events
The Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Program administered by the Ohio Department of Agriculture came into law this past summer. The program is a certificate program that requires training (or meeting equivalent requirement), application fo ...
4-H Awareness Day-Wear your 4-H Gear!
so years the quagga was gone. There are 23 stuffed and mounted quagga in museums and research collections ...
so years the quagga was gone. There are 23 stuffed and mounted quagga in museums and research collections ...
so years the quagga was gone. There are 23 stuffed and mounted quagga in museums and research collections ...
so years the quagga was gone. There are 23 stuffed and mounted quagga in museums and research collections ...