CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. OSU Announces Secrest Arboretum Tornado Fund

    Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) in Wooster, ravaging the centers Secrest ... Environmental Sciences, of which OARDC is the research arm. “They were planted by Edmund Secrest (the ...

  2. Bird Is the Word: Walk Is in Secrest on Aug. 13

    120-acre plant collection, part of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center in Wooster, holds ...

  3. Frequently Asked Questions

    that addresses specific food/agriculture security grants and how funds are to be dispersed. ... NR / APPEALS / FSIS Personnel How does an inspector decide what refereed journal articles are ... performed by the Office of Program Evaluation, Enforcement and Review (OPEER). How are CSI and EIAOs ...

  4. Reinstatement Petition Process

    another institution during your time away from Ohio State, to demonstrate that you are capable of ... institution, to help guide your course decisions for transfer back to Ohio State. ...

  5. Call for Nominations: Animal Science Hall of Fame

    nomination should provide information on how the nominee excels in the above criteria for the award.  The ...

  6. Promotion & Marketing

    RESOURCES Project Promotion Resources Need something fun to take into a school or offer at a county event ...

  7. Bad News for Growers: Too Much Wheat Means Low Prices

    futures prices and how they behave, you just assume that there will never be a problem in delivering and ... selling your crop because there will always be room for storage," said Matt Roberts, an Ohio State ...

  8. OSU Team

    lives and communities through research-based educational programming.  The team operates through working ...

  9. Horticulture and Crop Science

    Turfgrass Science England Summer 2014 This program allows students to explore the variances and see how ...

  10. Livestock Need Fresh Air

    warmer environment than the sow. 5. Keep fan shutters and blades clean- dirty blades alone can cut your ...
