CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Events


  2. Statewide Sheep Shearing School 2012

    student to help defray the costs of the school.  Payment must be returned with registration form by ...

  3. High Grain Prices Could Lead to Less Conservation Land Entering USDA Program

    could benefit consumers, especially the poor, through lower food prices, so the question becomes how ... Sohngen said the question of how much land to keep in CRP is cyclical and that the amount of land coming ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-37

    weeds, apply Roundup Ultra at 1.0 pint per acre or Touchdown at 0.75 pint per acre plus 2,4-D ester at ... 0.25 percent if using Touchdown. Apply when daytime temperatures are above 50 degrees and night ...

  5. Share Your Experience!

    The Department of Animal Sciences is looking for pictures from summer internships, study abroad trips, Judging Team trips, and other Animal Sciences related activities. The pictures will be used on the Department Website and other promotional materials. Y ...

  6. Controlling Feed Cost: What to do when the protein market goes ballistic?

    how nutrients are currently being priced on the commodity market. The software Sesame is specifically ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-25

    Another question is how long are the crops susceptible to mite feeding if environmental conditions do not ... naturally in later August.  However, knowing how strange this summer has already been, we should not assume ... disease can be distinguished from Phytophthora stem rot by how much of the stem is girdled.  For ...

  8. NEW! Your Pond Update

    consider applying a dye.  The best time for dye application in our region generally begins in mid-March; ...

  9. CVM Career Fair

    Explore full-time employment, externships, and opportunities to make connections: Ohio State College of Veterinary Medicine Career Fair All class years are invited to attend!  Thursday, October 5, 2017 5:00- 7:00 pm Veterinary Medicine Academic Building 1 ...

  10. TWEL Evan Wilson Thesis

    only inform management decisions on how to handle conflicts, but educating the public about causes of ...
