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Chow Line: Don't let vacation go to waist (5/18/12)
High-fat dressing, cheese, croutons and other toppings can surprise you with how much fat and calories they ...
Soil Scientist Develops 10 Principles to Sustainable Soil Management
fuels. • Soils can be a source of carbon extraction or a sink for carbon storage, depending on how the ... more attention to how we can sustain the soil, then 20 years from now we will be talking about the very ...
chloride may vary in water wells depending on the type of rock the ground water moves through and how long ...
Chow Line: From land or sea, salt is salt (9/28/12)
high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease. For ideas on how to cut back on sodium, see ...
Maple Tech Expert Headlines Ohio Maple Days
parts of a draw-off, what they do and how they work, plus installation, setup and use. In his second ...
Reaping the Harvest- Grow and Know Event- Butler County Farm Bureau
Reaping the Harvest Flyer RSVP to Butler County Farm Bureau Office by October 3, 2016 at 513-844-8371 or email: Space is limited...Don't delay! ...
Sen. Voinovich Learns About Bio-energy, Climate Change Research at OARDC
percent to 15 percent. This, he pointed out, can be applied nationwide to help the country reach ...
New Biological Control Book Brainchild of Ohio State Scientist
microscopic roundworms that can be applied through sprayers or irrigation systems to do the same job as ...
Researchers Find Potential 'Dark Side' to Diets High in Beta-Carotene
inhibitors of vitamin A action based on how they interacted with receptors that would normally launch the ... sought to determine how prevalent these molecular components might be in the human body. Analyzing blood ...
Chimney Fires Can Be Prevented
causing illness, injury, or even death. So depending on how much you use your fireplace, it is always ...