CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Ohio's Wheat Facing Low Head Scab Risk

    applied before flowering to control the disease. Candace Pollock Pierce Paul False False False False False ...

  2. Prevent Head Scab: Avoid Planting Wheat After Corn

    addition, plow under the corn stubble before planting wheat and be prepared to apply a fungicide next year ...

  3. Chow Line: Calorie counts on menus helpful (for 4/18/10)

    offerings on menus or menu boards. The rule will apply to foods offered in buffets and salad bars, and also ...

  4. About Us

    a broader base of knowledge about, not only the individual risks and how to manage them, but also about the ...

  5. Former FABE Graduate Student’s Research Will Predict Famine Before It Strikes

    Read the full Smithsonian article by clicking here.     ...

  6. November 5, 2017


  7. Secrest Arboretum Crabapples Could Hit Peak Starting This Weekend (May 5-6)

    arboretum will host Plant Discovery Day, an annual event now in its 14th year with sales and auctions of ...

  8. OSU Dairy Economist: Milk Prices, Global Export Demand and New Margin Protection Program Will Be Topics to Watch in 2015

    a watershed event.” Through his research appointment with the college’s research arm, the Ohio Agricultural ...

  9. Reduce Inputs, Improve Bottom Line at Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    University Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference. The event will be held Feb. 26-27 at the McIntosh ... 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. and is a separate event from the Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference. ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-23

    Field Day With soybean prices nearing the mid-teens, farmers want to know how to maximize both ... educational event. The gates will open at 9:30am to allow attendees time to get checked in and find a seat. ... Soybean Yields Profitably.”  Registration has begun for the event. Attendees can save $5 by paying the $15 ...
