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CORN EAR ROTS: How to Tell Them Apart and Know the Risk
year is to know how they develop and under what type of weather conditions. And the best way to tell ...
Connecting Food Buyers and Sellers with MarketMaker at Farm Science Review
Visitors to this year's Farm Science Review can learn more about MarketMaker, how it works, and how ...
Mental Models
and understand to help guide how and what we share. ...
Federal Funding May Further Wetlands Research
allocation for ORWRP initiatives on how the restoration of wetlands and rivers can improve habitats, flood ... to study river and wetland processes and investigate if and how systems can be restored or created ...
Family Fundamentals: Stepfamily challenges? Guidance is available online (for August 2010)
marriage. I thought by now things would be easier, but we still seem to be having trouble figuring out how ... how to act and react in every situation. The National Stepfamily Resource Center, a division of Auburn ...
Family Fundamentals: Examine options to choose primary credit card (for March 2007)
to just one. How should we decide which one? Using just one credit card can be a good idea, ... every month. Interest rates vary widely and can make a big difference on how much you owe. Compare APRs ...
Chow Line: Watch portions with corned beef (for 3/18/07)
March 9, 2007 How do they make corned beef? Why is it called "corned"? Ah. Corned beef ... preserved with salt or brine, and that's exactly how they make corned beef. Originally, corned beef was ...
Chow Line: Use marinades for flavor, tenderizing (for 7/20/08)
July 11, 2008 How long should beef and poultry be marinated? That's a question that has no ... authors Harold McGee and Herve This, say that no matter how long you marinate meat, the marinade just ...
Chow Line: High blood sugar levels dangerous (for 3/22/09)
March 13, 2009 How can having high blood sugar cause so many health problems? I understand that it ... does cause damage, but how? Sugar may be sweet, but the last thing you want is it running rampant ...
Family Fundamentals: Keep your saving plan on track by joining programs (for August 2008)
(emergency fund, retirement, vacation or home improvement, for example); how much you pledge to save on ... information allows America Saves to determine how savers are meeting their goals, and what helps them get ...