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Poultry Science Club's Annual Easter Egg Hunt!
From Thursday, March 29 to Friday, March 30, eggs will be hidden around the CFAES Campus and can be redeemed for prizes in the Kottman Lobby from 11am-2pm each day! They will have a 5 egg limit per person. Happy egg hunting! ...
Climate Change Will Threaten Fish by Drying Out Southwest U.S. Streams, Study Predicts
increase in the frequency of stream drying events and a 27 percent increase in the frequency of zero-flow ...
April 1, 2018
Happy Easter! ...
Grow Fruits and Vegetables Anywhere With a Compost Sock
crop production." If successful, the technology could be a way for communities to promote urban ...
Dry Weather Boosting Apple Quality
Sachs. Funt said that the majority of Ohio's 10-12 apple varieties are enjoying the sweet success of ...
ASABE-UCD Administrators
16.00-17.00 Session 2: Transatlantic Graduate Education: US vs. EU Models Prof. Wouter Saeys (KU Leuven, ...
Ohio Could Set Record Wheat Yields
the successful wheat season. "We always estimate our wheat potential as in the mid to upper 60s, ...
Learning Gardens
entomology, and plant pathology students as well as a beautiful respite for our visitors. Our hope is that it ...
The Effect of Climate Change on Global Timber Markets
carefully links these impacts to a dynamic global timber market model in order to determine how markets will ...
Drought Stressed Corn as Silage
applied to the crop. Testing for nitrates before chopping may be advisable in those conditions. If ...