CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Dry Weather Makes Field Fires a Safety Concern for Farmers

     Apply grease to bearings and oil chains regularly to reduce friction.  It is recommended to perform ...

  2. Family Fundamentals: A strong, happy relationship good for your health (Feb. 2012)

    success and social impact: Many studies indicate happy couples tend to have better health. For example, ...

  3. Cover Crops Boost Soil Health, Nutrients, Earthworms and Lower Costs

    continuous no-till a success, cover crops are a must, he said. “Cover crops improve the soil structure, ...

  4. Bob Gustafson Wins Ohio State Distinguished Faculty Service Award

    Committee. His chairmanship of the Council on Enrollment and Student Progress was transformational; the ...

  5. Thousand Cankers Coming? How to Spot New Walnut Disease

    COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Now you can get a free wallet-size ID card for spotting  thousand cankers disease, which is a new, deadly walnut tree illness. It’s close to but not in Ohio yet. ...

  6. 2013 Statewide Sheep Shearing School

    limit and the cost is $40 per student, which must be returned with registration form by Friday, ...

  7. Ohio Fish & Shrimp Festival

    A free event, the festival coincides with the fall harvest of Ohio-raised fish and giant freshwater ...

  8. Preventing Sprain/Strain Injuries

    punishment. It is important to understand the difference between these injuries and consider how to prevent ...

  9. Women in Agriculture Conference

    the conference is $55 for adult participants and $30 for students.  Conference fee includes conference ...

  10. Recall Survival Guide

    system. Does your system run smoothly? How easily can you trace and recover your products? Can you look at ... preparation for unexpected events, including a positive L. monocytogenes or Salmonella sample, a food-borne ... to know in the event of a recall in one place. OSU will be conducting Recall Training at HACCP ...
