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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Ohio State Crop Scientists Discover Gene That Controls Fruit Shape

    how domestication shaped the tomato fruit — and gain a better understanding of what controls ... wild tomatoes. “ SUN doesn’t tell us exactly how the fruit-shape phenotype is altered, but ... “This discovery will tell us, too, how we can influence the process of fruit formation and facilitate ...

  2. Depooling: A call to action

    back and read that number again. How does this affect your bottom line? Take your total hundredweight ... what can be done about this and how to go about making necessary modifications to the Mideast Federal ...

  3. Snow Mold- how much damage and what can be done?

    As the snow begins to recede a key question for the turf manager is how much snow mold damage will ... thiophanate-methyl or trifloxystrobin. How to identify the different snow molds: To identify gray snow molds look for ...

  4. Update on Pricing Standing Corn for Silage Harvest

    Dianne Shoemaker, Bill Weiss, and Normand St-Pierre, The Ohio State University Extension  How to ... its' optimum moisture level for harvest as silage? How is a decision reached to proceed with harvest? ...

  5. Events


  6. OSU Extension Launches New Forest Products Website

    intention was to create a site to communicate research, information, news and events related to the forest ...

  7. Family Fundamentals: It may be hard to tell if child is being bullied (April 2012)

    April 19, 2012 How can you tell if your child is being bullied at school? It’s not easy. Much of ... how to show it in conversation and body language. More resources are available through the Cooperative ...

  8. Chow Line: High sodium hidden in all sorts of foods (Feb. 24, 2012)

    Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. How so? Bread is so ubiquitous in the American diet that even ... food. That just shows how sodium can hide in foods we would never think of as being high-salt. On ...

  9. OARDC Rose Garden to Hold Open House June 9

    garden or old-fashioned roses, should be in peak bloom at the time of the event. “This garden is ...

  10. USDA Confirms Case of Mad Cow Disease in California: OSU Experts Available to Discuss

    the history of the diseased animal and how the cow acquired the disease will be key in ensuring no ... premature to say how this happened until the investigation is finished.” LeJeune said that while consumers ...
