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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. $1 Million Study Tackles Role of Viruses in Safety of Fresh Produce

    Fruits," was one of two "Special Emphasis Grants" funded by the U.S. Department of ...

  2. Study Looks at Wild Birds' Impact on E. coli Spread on Farms

    U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) grant to study the relationship between wild birds and E. coli ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-34

    significant rainfall events. Additional information regarding rates, timing, management considerations and ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-05

    borer (ECB) Bt events provide effective control and reduce yield losses when these hybrids are subjected ... suggest that as Bt events have been more widely incorporated into elite genetics, differences in yield ...

  5. The Power of the Pet

    Special Screening of Dean Rustin Moore's TedxTalk with Live Q&A! When: 5:30pm Thursday April 20th  Q&A with Dean Moore to begin 5:45 Where: 200 Campbell Hall Free Admission! Presented by the Human Animal Interactions Club ...

  6. 2007

    soybean plant introductions with resistance to Phytophthora sojae.  Phytopathology 97:113-118.   Gowda, ... analysis of soybean plant introductions with resistance to Phytophthora sojae. Phytopathology 97:106-112. ...

  7. Upcoming Event: Soil, Water Field Night (Thursday, July 28, 2016)

    Soil, Water Field Night (Thursday, July 28, 2016) at OSU South Centers Pre-registration is required. (Click the image below to enlarge) ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-32

    October Weather Update Jim Noel After a heavy rainfall event last week, we will return to above normal ... rain event will be the second half of the weekend. However, it will be a fast moving system so rainfall ...

  9. Canner Testing Events

    Dial gauges on pressure canners should be tested yearly for accuracy. Gauge style pressure canners can be tested free of charge on the following dates: Wednesday, June 15, 9am to 1pm Mt Hope Hardware Thursday, June 16, 9am to 1pm Lehman's Hardware, K ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-08

    Thursday AM. We can not rule out some additional frost events yet the week of April 22, but they look ...
