CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Increase Forage Production and Boost Profits with Livestock Grazing School

    is designed for any grazing animal including beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep and goats. The event ...

  2. June Plantings, Quarterly Stocks Reports Generally Bearish

    significant policy event from a historical perspective, as the June plantings report further confirmed." ...

  3. Chow Line: What works for weight loss (for 9/4/05)

    frustrating, can’t they? There always seems to be a special event on the horizon where you ...

  4. Favorable midseason weather conditions mean near-trendline yield still possible

    of events this season. "In general, we have enough water to make a crop this year," Watters ...

  5. Archived News 2011

    OSU Receives $1.4 million grant for Emerald Ash Borer research Dan Herms, Entomology; Pierluigi ... Million Grant To Support U.S. Greenhouse Tomato Industry > OARDC News Technology Offers Green Method to ... Meeting, Aug. 6-10, in Honolulu, Hawaii. 01/21/2011- Sally Miller Receive $2 Million Grant to Support ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-15

    Road, Defiance, OH. The event will feature presentations by industry and educational representatives. ... others. Seventeen companies and organizations are sponsoring the event with equipment demo and displays ... directed to the Defiance County OSU Extension office (419) 782-4771. The event is sponsored by the OSU ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-13

    yields in years with La Nina events, especially for corn. Wheat and soybeans can go either way. We hope ... Molly Caren Agricultural Center in London, Ohio. The event is sponsored by Ohio State University ... Manure Management and the Midwest Professional Nutrient Applicators Association. The one day event will ...

  8. Rust, Commerical Turf Update, Sample Submission and Events

    614-292-5006 EVENTS & TURFGRASS FIELD DAYS 2010 Turfgrass Research Field Day ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-13

    a respected researcher in one of the land grant institutions of the 12 Corn Belt States growing corn, soybeans ... results. Many products are vetted through land-grant universities to determine their potential usefulness. ... farm (this is why land-grant universities conduct field research). If the individual selling you the ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-04

    established last fall. Granted we may get more small tillers from early Spring N but their heads will only ... invested, little return,” one respondent said. 6. Shift from land grants to industry (enter “big ag”) (35 ... biotechnology people instead of field production people, it initiated a shift of the Land Grant purpose and ...
