CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Growing Barley and Hops For Local Beer-making

    field night events and the first Friday tours. Interested parties must register by calling McGlothin at ...

  2. TWEL Luke DeGroote Thesis

    species, events during one stage of the annual cycle could influence parasitization, energetic condition, ...

  3. Introduction & Field Layout

      Module I Topics: Sports turf overview Field construction Ballfield layout By the time you complete this module, you should be able to: Lay-out field dimensions according to the sport’s governing body in question Identify different field construction met ...

  4. Upcoming Events


  5. Communiqué April 12, 2011

    continuing programs! For those of you who entered 2011 Extension EVENTS or PROGRAMS before March 18 or ... detailed instructions, visit “The deadline to enter 2010 Program/Event data ... the information for this current Program, or the Events tied to it. You will, however, still be able ...

  6. Spirit Night at Raising Canes

    Spirit night at Raising Canes! Pre-Vet Club and Raising Canes on campus (10 E 11th ave) are partnering for a fundraising night Monday October 23rd from 4pm-9pm. Remember to show the cashier the flyer! You can find copies in PH 120 or pull it up on your ph ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-39

    is slated for Tuesday, December 18, 2007. This year's event will be held at the Newark Campus of ... Ohio Agronomic Crops Team Calendar is a good place to keep track of educational events across the state ... of Ohio. The calendar page can be found at: Many events for the ...

  8. Ohio Legislature Changes Transfer on Death Designations Following Certain Life Events

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  9. AWBC Meeting

    The next AWBC meeting is October 18th at 7 pm in Plumb Hall Arena. Eddie Landry, a local barn manager and equine showman, will be speaking on horse training and behavior! He will be bringing his horses to give demonstrations at the meeting! Cookies and ch ...

  10. Little International Ham and Corned Beef Curing Contest

    The Little International Ham & Corned Beef Curing Contest is part of The Saddle & Sirloin Little International on November 4th. Sign-up ends next Tuesday the 17th, and the curing will be need to be done with Ron Cramer sometime between October 23- ...
