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Hot, Dry Weather Could Make it Harder for Growers to Control Weeds
to prevent seed production, is likely the best option. Continuation of dry weather throughout the ...
Yes, we can: 'Interest is exploding' in gardening, food preservation
ensure a high-quality, safe product that they and their family can enjoy. Video (9:20): Linnette Goard ...
Farm Science Review: Water Control Structure Benefits Farmers and Environment
exceptionally dry year, the crops have the ability to use that as a reserve to increase their production,” he ...
Wheat Planting Intentions for 2008 Promising
Agricultural Research and Development Center, said that last fall's poor planting conditions and the ... improves the soil quality and breaks disease cycles," he said. OSU Extension research has shown that ... varieties are growing in popularity, said Beuerlein, who also holds a partial OARDC research appointment. ...
Workshops Offer Farmers Help with Herbicide Resistance Weed Control in Ohio
a lunch. The dates and locations are as follows: Northeast Ohio – Feb. 28 at the Ohio Agricultural Research ...
Join OSU Extension's 'Live Healthy, Live Well' Email Challenge
progress. As part of the challenge, participants will take part in a research study to determine the ...
Buckeye Vet Exploration Day
The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine Student Council is pleased to announce the Buckeye Vet Exploration Day for current undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career in veterinary medicine. Attendees will gain hands-on exper ...
Ohio Sea Grant Offers Great Lakes Climate Curriculum Workshops
the climate change issue by bringing research and resources to Ohioans and Great Lakes residents. More ...
Sampling for Soybean Cyst Nematode – It’s time! - link to the 5th edition of the SCN guide developed through the North Central Soybean Research ...
4-H Week Kick-Off Event