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Chow Line: Eat lots of produce, raw and cooked (for 8/23/09)
tomatoes. In fact, Ohio State University researchers have found that lycopene molecules in tomatoes change ... and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to Chow Line, c/o Martha ...
Pedal Power! Try Bike-based E-charger at Scarlet, Gray, Green Fair
research," Romich said. "Including the battery, I would have under $200 in it, not counting the standard ... about 100 mpg. The fair, tied to Earth Week, takes place at the Ohio Agricultural Research and ...
Adjusting No-till Burndown Programs for Later Planting
early to mid May. In our research plots, we appear to have as good a winter annual population as we ...
Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Whole Lot of Nurdles Going On (for the Week of May 17, 2009)
Research and Development Center (OARDC) ( and with Ohio State University ... Extension ( OARDC and OSU Extension are the research and outreach arms, ...
Late Planted Soybeans Mean Aphids in August
from aphid feeding. Extension researchers and educators recommend farmers consider spraying for soybean ...
Cafezinho Recruitment Event
Growing Vegetables in Containers
are consuming the end product so only use those approved for consumption or withhold fertilizer during ...
Careers in Welding Featured at State Fair Beginning July 31
daily scores. "We're targeting events that we believe will hit both youth and adults ...
Aug. 13 Workshop to Focus on Drought-Related Financial, Management Options for Livestock
thinking about what this will mean for fall and winter feeding.” More information on the event can be found ...
OSU Extension: Fall Frost Increases the Potential for Toxicity in Livestock
after a frost event, Sulc said. These species contain compounds called cyanogenic glucosides that ...