CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. OSU Economists: Radical Changes for New Farm Bill

    conservation programs, research funding, inspection programs and disaster relief. Green box programs are ... with the 2007 Farm Bill, whether or not it's written based on WTO events. "There's ...

  2. Junior Faculty Research Award


  3. TWEL Melissa Santiago Thesis

    research is needed to assess the potential for pesticide exposure, differences in productivity between ...

  4. Community Development

    included within an urban area. The Economic Research Service provides additional information on rural ...

  5. New Online Tool Helps Well Owners Understand Water Test Results

    was funded in part by a research and development grant from the Ohio Water Development Authority.-30- ...

  6. PCNB Developments and Snow Mold Management

    condition of the economy. Following are some recommendations based on research done at the University of ...

  7. Plastic Pot Recycling Event


  8. Communiqué August 6, 2014

    research. Build relationships between Extension professionals and university faculty to foster expanded ... applied research opportunities. Foster dialogue and innovative thinking among OSU Extension and academic ... cutting edge research Recognition of outstanding work of Extension colleagues and the contribution of ...

  9. Near-record Warm Winter Increases Insect and Pest Threat for Crop Growers This Spring

    normal this year, said Ron Hammond, who also has an appointment with the Ohio Agricultural Research and ...

  10. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: University of Vermont

    researchers with two established program delivery systems within a state—the Cooperative Extension System at ... years of documentable data that shows when you apply, the program says the [stability?] of the program, ...
