CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Are Stink Bugs Bugging Your Soybeans?

    pests.  In addition to these three stink bugs, researchers are also finding higher numbers of the ...

  2. Horsemen's Association Meeting

    On Tuesday February 21st, OSU Horsemen's Association will have their next meeting in Plumb Hall room 102 at 6pm. This will be both a social and community service meeting. Getting to know each other better while making dog toys for our other furry fri ...

  3. Undergraduate Research

    2015- Denman Undergraduate Research Forum, The Ohio State University Pathogenic effects of ...

  4. Marysville Gardens Featured in OSU Extension Event

    University Extension Union County Master Gardeners fifth annual Union County Tour of Gardens. The event will ...

  5. USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program Seminar

    Opportunities for research, education, Extension, and graduate student funding from the USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program. ...

  6. Soybean School Focuses on Increasing Yields

    specialists and scientists with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, soybean experts from ...

  7. OSU Extension Assists Homeowners Facing Foreclosure

    Agricultural Research and Development Center and an assistant professor of consumer sciences in the College of ...

  8. Farmer to farmer: Retired Extension educator volunteers in Mozambique

    research facility for students and faculty. The time period for my assignment was Aug. 14-31. The following ...

  9. Family Fundamentals: Try this alternative 'time-out' method for children (for August 2011)

    Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to Family Fundamentals, c/o Martha ...

  10. Properly Manage Glyphosate for Best Weed Control

    That's why it is such a great product," said Stachler, who also holds a research appointment with ... the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. "But because of its effectiveness, growers ... equivalent per acre (lbs ae/A). However, research has shown that to more consistently control such species as ...
