CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Student advances soil science and carbon sequestration research with SI student grant

    Distinguished University Professor of Soil Science and Laureate of 2019 Japan Prize, 2020 World Food Prize, and ...

  2. AEDE Agribusiness Club gains industry insights through field trip over winter break

    and Van Buren Professor Brian Roe noted that “The annual trip is a highlight of the club’s programming ...

  3. Visiting Fellow: Dr. Ahmed Elgharably

    Dr. Ahmed Elgharably, Professor in the Department of Soils and Water at Assiut University, Egypt, ...

  4. Check Out These Valentine's Day Sweet Treats Not Packed With Sugar

    330-264-8722 or CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on ...

  5. Webinar: Fitting Prescribed Fire into Oak Woodland Management

    Jim Downs, OSU Extension Forestry Field Specialist, and Dr. Andy Londo, professor and OSU Extension ...

  6. East Ohio Women in Agricultre Conference Celebrates 10 Years

    beyond through its East Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference. The event will take place on March 21, ...

  7. 4-H CARTEENS  4-H CARTEENS classes are held the first tuesday of every other month unless otherwise announced.  ...

  8. Swine Discovery Day

    be held on Monday February 24th from 12-6pm. We will meet in the Animal Sciences Building for lunch ...

  9. Ohio State scientist unlocks natural food color alternatives to Red No. 3

    professor and associate department chair in the CFAES  Department of Food Science and Technology, has pioneered ... Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) offers a promising solution. Monica Giusti, a distinguished ... navigating regulatory hurdles to bring new colorants to market. “This collaborative effort benefits everyone ...

  10. Minding the Brand: Marketing and Communications Virtual Office Hours

    first one will be Feb. 5 (1:30-2:30 p.m.) in Teams. These sessions will feature two main components: ... any marketing and communications project(s) you're involved with.  The first session will focus ... these sessions will serve as a valuable opportunity to collaborate, share knowledge, and find new ways ...
