CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. New Additions of Universal Design Exhibit Showcased at Farm Science Review

    the Universal Design (UD) exhibit this year can investigate a new laundry room and garage/farm shop in ... needs as they change. Plus the new additions will use green products and materials from either ... sustainable or recycled sources." The new laundry features energy-saving and ecofriendly equipment and ...

  2. Community Leadership Visit Day

    Students and parents will receive a formal schedule of events at registration. Following the welcome ...

  3. Agricultural Communication Visit Day

    events at registration. Following the welcome session, the day is divided into programs that allow ...

  4. Volunteer Training- New(er) Volunteer Orientation


  5. DUE: New Volunteer Applications (last day to submit for 2017)


  6. Heirloom Garden Celebrates Ohio's Past

    trials, turfgrass trials, and perennial beds. Master Gardener volunteers recently installed two new ... the performance of new annuals cultivars entering the market. Currently, over 200 cultivars-- from ... pressures," said Bennett. "There are so many new cultivars coming into the market that it's hard to ...

  7. Growers to See Changes in Nitrogen Application Recommendations

    standpoint." Fertility specialists throughout the Corn Belt have devised a new system that bases optimum ... "It boils down to an exercise in risk management. The old system uses a single value, while this new ... field." The new nitrogen application recommendations will be the focus of Mullen's extension ...

  8. StrengthsFinder- Online

    inventory? "Marcus Buckingham, coauthor of the national bestseller First, Break All the Rules, and ...

  9. $1.5 Million in Scholarships Available to CFAES Students

    The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences offers students $1.5 million in scholarships. Conservation ...

  10. The Most Interesting Professor in the World Drinks Milk

