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Urban Conservation and Stormwater Management Links
on innovative stormwater BMPs, directed studies, technology transfer, education) University of New ...
Burndown Herbicides for No-tillage Wheat
after the first hard frost, and soybean harvest decimates these weeds to the point that herbicides won’t ...
Weed Identification Resources
The first and normally easiest step in identification is determining if the weed is a monocot (grass) ...
New Years Day-Office Closed
The Stanley Muroff Civil Liberties Forum featuring Mark Winne
Industrial Agriculture (Beacon Press, 2010). Event is hosted by the OSU John Glenn School of Public ...
Linking Land Use and the Economy: Our Land, Our Water, Our Future
will feature remarks from Jill Clark, an Ohio State assistant professor in the John Glenn School of ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-13
tool”. The first page will be a user survey. Completing the survey is optional, but by doing so you will ... applied at flowering when the first set of fresh anthers are seen sticking out of the central portion of ... northern Ohio the soil temperatures finally got above 55 degrees the first week of May and about a week ...
2015 Farmer Led Water Quality Monitoring in Western Lake Erie Basin
in the first sampling period. Research Cooperator Opportunity ...
Extension Office Closed- New Year's Day