CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Small Farm Conference March 8 in Wooster Ohio, Registration Now Open

    a Hoophouse, Integrated Disease Management Strategies for Apple and Peaches, High Tunnel Tour, Using Cover ... Beef Tour. Anyone interested in developing, growing or diversifying their small farm is invited to ...

  2. 4-H CARTEENS  4-H CARTEENS classes are held the first tuesday of every other month unless otherwise announced.  ...

  3. The Lal Carbon Center visits the Soil Microbial Ecology Lab

    Manager there. Lal Carbon Center members toured the facilities and learned about several ongoing projects ...

  4. Soil Seminar with Dr. Soledad Benitez Ponce

    Dr. Soledad Benitez Ponce  of Plant Pathology presented a seminar on Friday, January 24th ...

  5. C-FARM: Graduate Research in Washington, D.C.

    experiences such as a nighttime tour of the West Wing and Oval Office, bowling in the White House, and meeting ...

  6. 4-H Week featuring 4-H Kick-Off

    details and how you can get involved!  Our biggest event of the week is the 4-H Kick Off on February ...

  7. Darke County Health Dept Offers Newborn Home Visits

    Newborn Home Visits in Darke County Greenville, Ohio – The first few days and weeks home with ... free, in-home nurse visit is provided to families in Darke County within the first few weeks of the ...

  8. East Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference Celebrates 10 Years

    materials. Deadline for registration is Friday, March 7.   Learn about sponsorship opportunities at ...

  9. Quarterly Viewpoint

    From the Desk of Dr. Rattan Lal Conference of Parties (COP) is held annually ever since the first ... a strong need to reconsider some basic issues in management of these COPs and the related global events ...

  10. Maple Madness Tour

    Maple Madness Tour come have pancakes and syrup with us.  The sugarbush bush sits on 19 acres of woods ... and contains 1200 taps and tubing to gather our sap.  There will be tours of the sugarbush, and an ... operating evaporator boiling maple sap to syrup.  Tours of the horseshoe vernal pool checking for ...
