CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Technology Workshop "Robotics"

    Robotics in the Morning 9am-12pm Spheros in the Afternoon 1pm-3pm ...

  2. Technology Workshop "Lego Day"


  3. Technology Workshop "Flight Day Friday"

    Flight Day Friday--Rockets, Drones, and More! ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-06

    finds in a state to be submitted to Ohio’s C.Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic and there ... you will be able to find information on the distribution and severity of soybean rust in the different ...

  5. Events

    Huron County 4-H Intermediate Camp  -- June 7- 10, 2016     for members in grades 6, 7 & 8 on January 1, 2016   Huron County 4-H Junior Camp-- June 13- 16, 2016     for members in grades 3, 4 & 5 on January 1, 2016   Huron County Cloverbud Fun Day ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-26

    be an indication of what might be in store for us in 2011.  We will report those findings during ... structures, the tassel and ear, respectively. However, in most corn fields it is not unusual to find a few ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-24

    stem takes on a bleached appearance and the stem is hollow.  When you crack it open you can often find ... a priority.  If you find suspected western bean cutworm damage, please contact your local extension educator or ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-13

    manage scab is SCAB SMART. Hit the following link and you will find information ... states, most of the first finds in Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana have been in late May to early June.  ...

  9. 2004 Seed Grants

    of athlete injury and cancelled events due to poor playing conditions. This program would also open ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-27

    findings. More information can be found at The pathogen is now ... fields it is not unusual to find a few scattered plants with a combination tassel and ear in the same ...
