CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



The page you are looking for could not be found. Here are some suggestions

  1. Managing Soybean Seed Supply When Quality Comes into Question

    pathogens that are common to our soils will get excited. These pathogens can find the seed faster and we ...

  2. Renovating Pastures? Try Frost Seeding

    typically persisting in a stand for only a couple of years. Research is under way to find varieties with ...

  3. Using the Weather to Control Dollar Spot

    said Boehm. "Now we want to find out exactly when we can make those applications for the most ...

  4. Where do I find the podcasts (the content of the course)?

    You can link to the Podcasts from Content located upper left, scarlet navigation bar. Click the Certificate Home link. As you scroll down the page you'll see the course Learning Modules listed. Podcasts are individually listed as Part 1, Part 2, etc. ...

  5. Where do I find quizzes?

    Quizzes is located in the upper, scarlet navigation bar. Courses ...

  6. Where do I find my grades?

    Grades is located in the upper, scarlet navigation bar. You can also view your grades from the Welcome Box under My Settings and the link View my progress. When you click the link a new window titled User Progress opens. Select the tool you'd like to ...

  7. Where can I find the Course Syllabus?

    While there is no page labeled "Course Syllabus," information about the course is found on Course Home (upper, left, scarlet navigation bar) in the Sports Turf Management Certificate box (large box, right). It is essentially the course syllabus. ...

  8. AWBC on the Oval

    Animal Welfare and Behavior Club is having a fundraiser on the oval from 12-4 on Tuesday, April 25th and they will be selling homemade dog treats and toys for $2 each or $3 for both!   ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-23

    you are finding stem rot in your fields – the best thing to do is to go back and read what the variety ... tissue testing should be used with an understanding that the findings are going to be strongly influenced ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-27

    give rise to the upcoming overwintering populations that we expect to find on buckthorn this fall. ... information on what we find on buckthorn this fall, and for our prediction for 2009. 2008 FSR CCA College Set ...
