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Heat Stress Costs U.S. Livestock Producers Billions
opportunity to find more efficient cooling systems for their livestock," said St-Pierre. "Even if ...
GPS Guidance System May Replace Industry Standard
"It's hard to find a use for such a system to justify spending that kind of money," said Sullivan. ...
Cooler Weather Playing a Positive Role in Wheat Development
growers should scout, and if they find the disease has spread to the leaf just below the flag leaf, then ...
Choose Fields Wisely If Switching to Soybeans
misses a rotation, make sure that field gets sampled next year for cyst nematode and find out what the ...
Black Spot of Roses Can Be a Challenge, Even for the Experienced Rose Grower
intervals," said Taylor. She emphasizes that rose growers do their research to find the most effective, ...
Transgenic Corn Production Slowly Increasing in Ohio
been finding a reason to use them." Thomison said in cases of Bt corn borer or rootworm corn ...
Keep an Eye on Late-Season Soybean Diseases
reporting frogeye in the upper plant canopy. But only treat with fungicides if frogeye is easy to find and ...
Wheat/Soybean Futures Prices Soar to Stimulate More Acres
created such a demand for seed that it's almost impossible to find wheat seed in the eastern Corn ...
Managing Soybean Seed Supply When Quality Comes into Question
pathogens that are common to our soils will get excited. These pathogens can find the seed faster and we ...
Renovating Pastures? Try Frost Seeding
typically persisting in a stand for only a couple of years. Research is under way to find varieties with ...