CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. More about Plant Pathology

    impact of plant diseases on our food supply in an outreach event, Scarlet and Gray Ag Day.  She  also ... of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at Ohio State? > Find out from our students! ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-03

    Application Authors: Pierce Paul In a recently concluded workshop, I used Feeke’s growth stage scales overlaid ... disease above which some action should be taken or some event takes place. Here I am going to consider two ... soybean rust. One has to be careful in making broad conclusions based on findings from this particular ...

  3. Ohio State Students Work with the City of Columbus to Implement Sustainability Initiative

    my classes, major and events on campus, it allows me to easily recognize what is key when it comes to ...

  4. Ohio State Students Work with the City of Columbus to Implement Sustainability Initiative

    my classes, major and events on campus, it allows me to easily recognize what is key when it comes to ...

  5. Past Events


  6. Farm Management Tips at Farm Science Review

    Firebaugh Building on Friday Avenue throughout the event. In addition to the cash rents decision-making ...

  7. Explore Change of Ohio's Forests During Soils Conference

    Soils Conference.   The event will take place Oct. 14-Oct. 16 in Bellville, Ohio, and is sponsored by ...

  8. Ohio State Announces New Network for Environmental Professionals: 'Most Issues Today Need Multidisciplinary Solutions'

    and Wildlife. Also on that page are polls, notices, event listings, and a section for questions and ...

  9. Chow Line: Mediterranean-style diet has benefits (for 6/20/10)

    vegetables, salad and nuts, cut the risk of a heart-related event in people who had already been hospitalized ...

  10. Recent Rains Slowing Wheat Harvest

    store it for a while and see if they find some other market for the poorer-quality grain.” According ...
