CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Growing Technology Tracks Commodities Through Marketplace

    4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., as part of an Emerging Technologies Workshop that will also include information on ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-28

    November for researchers to find it and it was not at economically damaging levels at that time. This type ... should know where to find shut-off switches, fire extinguishers, and emergency phone numbers.  Being ... waterhemp, or any related species.  We will be conducting some surveys of our own to find these fields, but ...

  3. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 2000-2005

    build funds that support activities for students and faculty  Throughout his career as chairman of the ...

  4. Leadership

    faculty submissions and awards for externally funded grants. Expand support for graduate students in the ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-15

    above the soil surface. Soil moisture conditions can sometimes dictate where you might expect to find ... rains have been occurring as large, quick events. Thus the infiltration rate of the soil was quickly ... one way to find out if current nitrate levels are adequate for maximum production or if additional ...

  6. Researchers Investigate Nursery Stock Bark Splitting

    toxicity. Mathers will be presenting information on bark splitting during an Abiotic Workshop at the Ohio ...

  7. Learn About Sheep/Goat Management with OSU Extension Programs

    production, management and marketing. The district workshops are sponsored by the Ohio Sheep Improvement ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-19

    Ohio Crop Events for July 10th & 11th Comparing Soybean Aphids to Other Soybean Leaf Insects ... are collected in to the grain table.   Three Southern Ohio Crop Events for July 10th & 11th ... available at this event. Topics include: • Phosphorous and potassium management and nitrogen use ...

  9. Preparation of Storage Facilities for Grain Harvest

    where to find shut-off switches, fire extinguishers, and emergency phone numbers.  Being prepared for ...

  10. Ohio 4-H has strength in (volunteer) numbers

    who has volunteered for 72 years! Lists of previous award winners and information about the 2014 event ...
