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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. AEDE Students and Professor Emeritus Recognized at 64th Annual CFAES Celebration of Students Event


  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-35

    2008 Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan Provider Workshop The Agronomic Crops Team Remembers Steve ... have made a list of the varieties in the trial with the green stems, and will attempt to find out more ... Management Plan Provider Workshop Authors: Greg LaBarge A session which lays the ground work for Technical ...

  3. Certified Crop Advisers Can Earn Continuing Education Credits at Farm Science Review

    September 8, 2010 Editor's note: The previous press release on this Farm Science Review event ... limited and there will be no registration the day of the event. Harold Watters, an Ohio State University ...

  4. A Green Solution to Storm Water Management

    rain events. Contour planting is not a new concept. It's a common practice in agriculture to ... following the contour of the landscape at a 2 percent slope. During rain events, the contour plantings are ...

  5. Residual Herbicide Issues – were they applied, are they working, what to do

    about two inches tall to ensure that they have been prevented from causing yield loss.  -  We find that ...

  6. TWEL Jacob Straub Thesis

    secure nutrients needed to complete life-history events. Wetland loss in some of these states exceeds 95% ...

  7. TWEL Dan Shustack Dissertation

    One key example of a neglected consequence of urbanization is seasonal timing of life cycle events ...

  8. Spring 2014 SENR Seminar Series

    characteristically high rates of mortality from predation and severe weather events. The American landscape ...

  9. OSU Extension Offers Resources and Information to Manage Drought as Conditions Intensify Statewide

    consumers find ways to deal with the dry conditions and extreme heat. Already, all of Ohio except for small ...

  10. Another Farm Science Review, Another Success

    in London, Ohio, is the state's premiere agricultural event and one of the nation's top ... farm shows, serving farmers through the Midwest with production agriculture-related research, events ...
