CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Farm Science Review Goes On Despite Wind Storm

    business as usual. When it was all over, the three-day event, one of the top agricultural shows in the ... a show." The only major event cancelled during Farm Science Review as a result of the storm damage was the ...

  2. Farm Equipment Lighting Law to be Discussed at OSU Field Day

    highway. The event runs from 2 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The event is free to the public and pre-registration is ...

  3. Study: Inexpensive Cleaners Can Effectively Sanitize Kitchen Surfaces

    and baking soda. Their findings: A scant teaspoon of chlorine bleach in one quart of water was ...

  4. OARDC Receives $2 Million Grant to Support Growing U.S. Greenhouse Tomato Industry

    science-based tools to address specific needs. A crucial need of the greenhouse tomato industry is finding ...

  5. Feed and Nutrient Pricing

    to excellent over that period of time. Unless unforeseen events occur to curb milk supply, we can ...

  6. Soybean Varieties Targeted for Soybean Rust Resistance

    a one-time study, part of a series of experiments funded through a $100,000 grant from soybean check-off ...

  7. Ohio's Tornado Season Peaking Now

    a tornado, seek shelter in a sturdy, well-constructed building if at all possible, or find a ditch or culvert ...

  8. Events

    Weekly seminars Horticulture and Crop Science seminar series Center for Applied Plant Science seminar series ...

  9. The Hire Big 10 Virtual Career Fair

    Looking for a job, internship, or co-op? Save valuable time and meet recruiters live online! Students and alumni are invited to interact via chat sessions and meet employers recruiting talent across all majors and degrees. The career fair will take place ...

  10. Ohio State University Furthering Economic Development Efforts in West Africa

    effort. The next step will be to review the project for additional funding over a five-to 10-year period. ...
