CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



The page you are looking for could not be found. Here are some suggestions

  1. Biweekly Pay Period 11 Add’l Pay Deadline


  2. Position Deadline to Post 11/12

    Final date to have positions created and/or updated for posting to the university jobs website.  Must be approved on all levels and on the Service Center worklist by the end of day. ...

  3. Position Deadline to Post 11/5

    Final date to have positions created and/or updated for posting to the university jobs website.  Must be approved on all levels and on the Service Center worklist by the end of day. ...

  4. Dairy Workshop Series- Dairy Economics


  5. Dairy Workshop Series- Stray Voltage


  6. It's Tick Season. Learn to Keep Yourself, Children and Pets Safe

    yourself, children and pets at least daily." If one does find a tick, grasp it as close to the skin as ...

  7. Frost Seeding with a Drill

    Typically the period between mid to late February and the end of March can work well to renovate and improve pastures by frost seeding clover with a broadcast spreader and then letting the freeze/thaw cycles that occur work that seed into the soil to get ...

  8. Still to Receive American Horticultural Society's Highest Honor June 10

    be recognized June 10 as the American Horticultural Society grants him its highest honor, the Liberty ... June 10. For more information, see the society's web site at Still and his ...

  9. Meat Emulsions

    mixer. The temperature before adding fat meats (step 3) may be lower as one needs to allow 10 to 12F ...

  10. Our Facility

    Our Facility The OSU Endeavor Center is a two story building with office spaces on both levels. Our facility has 27 rentable office spaces in a variety of configurations. There is also daily rental conference rooms for various activities. Click below to g ...
