CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Pesticide and Fertilizer Education

    trainings are often held during one recertification event. New Pesticide Applicator First time getting your ... for more information about obtaining a fertilizer applicator license with the state of Ohio. ...

  2. Outstanding Student Information

    Please provide the following information: Name.number * Name as you would like it to appear on ... your certificate * Hometown news outlets * CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether you are a human ...

  3. Spring CFAES All-Faculty Meeting

    text-decoration: none;"> Join the Zoom meeting. Add paragraph:  Copy:  This event will be presented with ... 614-247-5934. Requests made 10 days prior to the event will allow time to arrange accommodations, but every ...

  4. Virtual Volunteer Info Sessions

    execute outreach and community events, lead tours, and so much more.  Our volunteer season officially ...

  5. Virtual Volunteer Info Sessions

    execute outreach and community events, lead tours, and so much more.  Our volunteer season officially ...

  6. Research Spotlight: Dr. Joy Rumble

    Outside of her title, Dr. Rumble is involved in numerous agricultural based research projects revolving ... around her area of interest and discipline.  Her journey into this research began during her doctoral ... program in 2010. On top of conducting research, she also offers  her expertise and time to several ...

  7. Allen Co. Ag & Natural Resource Needs Assessment

    information on livestock, farm business management, or row crop agronomics? Those are just a few examples of ... topics that OSU Extension can get you more information on. Enclosed in this envelope you will find ... the link below. All information will remain confidential. Thank you and I look forwerd to working with ...

  8. Join our team as an Extension Educator- Agriculture & Natural Resources

    natural resources stakeholders with research-backed information that will better their livelihoods. ... POSITION HIGHLIGHTS Planning and delivering educational programming (formal and informal). Being a trusted ... source for information related to agriculture and natural resources. Building and maintaining ...

  9. SENR’s Ambassador program

    program?   Erin: SENR Ambassadors serve as representatives of the school for outreach and public events ... student experience and involvements during campus visits and information sessions.  Interested in joining ... SENR? Join us for an information session to learn more about the five majors offered by Ohio State’s ...

  10. Forage Resiliency Webinar Series

    on forage resiliency to cover information on how to remain resilient to a variety of environmental ... the month in March, April, and May. Details including registration information are as follows: Webinar ...
