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Calibrate Your Sprayer to Save Money on Pesticides
$100 a grower spends on pesticides. Depending on the cost of the pesticides, the number of acres ...
Soil testing is a very profitable practice to manage fertility input cost and promote ...
Tips for Preparing to Work with Media
Summarize thoughts. After discussing the subject, concisely summarize key points in everyday language. “My ... company or agency name and names of other people or programs you’re discussing. Feedback. It’s OK to tell ...
Environmental Education and Communication Links
Schools US Dept. of Education (recognizes <environmental impact/costs, >health/wellness, ...
Ohio State scientists affiliated with IPM Innovation Lab work with Kenya’s Kongai Tisa Farmer Association to improve tomato production
has helped them improve yields while simultaneously lowering costs of production through pesticide ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-01
abundant supply of some of these for distribution at no cost. Free copies can be obtained by contacting ... application also, but will not provide more effective control than lower cost options such as Canopy EX when ... will not provide more effective control than lower cost options such as Canopy EX when applied in the ...
Expanding Cooperative Knowledge at the 2016 Cooperative Leadership Forum
interesting to discuss with other class members how each of the cooperatives they were a part of were unique ...
Taking Control of Feed Costs
a good ration that is also cost effective. Relax the ration formulation constraints on starch and ...
Rainfastness of Fungicides in Wheat
refers to “the time needed between an application and a rain event for the product to maintain its ...
Corn Grain Test Weight
Among the top 10 most discussed (and cussed) topics at hometown cafes during harvest season is the ... Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA). [online] ...