CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Chow Line: Magnesium plays vital role in health (for 8/21/11)

    State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to ...

  2. Northern Corn Leaf Blight Becoming ‘Concerning’ Disease Issue

    fields is increasingly concerning to plant pathologists at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ...

  3. Past Events


  4. Pork Slaughter Example

    action records. Check the checker weekly. Pre-shipment review- each lot. Reassess plan- annually. Product ...

  5. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Louisiana State University

    a collaboration between our Pennington Biomedical Research Center here in Baton Rouge and LSU and the Southern Ag ...

  6. Recently Published / Presented

    Almeida AK, Resende KT, St-Pierre N, Silva SP, Soares DC, Fernandes MHMR, Souza AP, Silva NCD, Lima ARC, Teixeira IAMA. 2015. Energy requirements for growth in male and female saanen goats. J Anim Sci 93(8):3932-40. Artuso-Ponte V, Moeller S, Rajala-Schul ...

  7. On-going Research Trials

    Cover crop trials: Pike County - OSU South Centers South Charleston- Western Branch Wayne County- OARDC, Wooster Wood County- Northwest Branch Tillage Experiments/trials   Soil/Water Quality trials   ...

  8. Consumer Perception Study Research Report 3/16

    The Ohio Grape Industries Council conducted a study in March of 2016 where viewpoints of those in the industry were compared with viewpoints of consumers of Ohio wines.  Participants were asked to respond about several differnt areas including their wine ...

  9. Corn Yields Good Despite Variable Weather, Diseases

    more common across the state." It seems everything but the proverbial kitchen sink has been thrown ...

  10. Chow Line: A healthy breakfast really is a good idea (2/17/12)

    Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to Chow Line, c/o Martha Filipic, ...
