CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Why 'climate change doesn't seem so remote' now

    the webinars to provide current research updates," said Barb Liukkonen, former Extension ...

  2. Industry Decisions May Hold Key in Biotech Future

    events, along with other issues surrounding GM crops such as international regulations, are raising ... and they are all tied up in the globalization debate,” said Sheldon. “Research in agricultural ...

  3. Pierluigi Bonello Lab

        My primary research interest is in the ecological role of tree diseases. Specific aspects ... emphasis on allocation to defense mechanisms against pathogens and insects. Our model tree in this research ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-05

    research plots indicate that inoculating soybeans is a very profitable practice in Ohio. The average yield ... including the 2007 Farm Bill. This event provides an important opportunity to take a hard look at the issues ... participate in discussions this year. Plan to attend Saturday's Farm Forum at Edison State Community ...

  5. How do Corn Hybrids With and Without Various Transgenic Traits Perform?

    According to the USDA-Economic Research Service in 2015, 85% of the state’s corn acreage was ...

  6. 2010 Tornado- Secrest Arboretum

    a spectacular show of blooms every spring.  The stand above (Crablandia I) was a long-term research plot for the ...

  7. Diversity Event- Malak Esseili

    200 (Wooster) Friday, March 24, 2017- 11:30am to 1:30pm ...

  8. Meal & Menu Planning for Two or...You!


  9. Pelletized Lime in Production Systems

    equipment.   University research has shown that pelletized lime does not raise soil pH faster than high quality ...

  10. Youth Scientist Curriculum Adult Education Class- day 2

    research from developing and testing hypotheses to reporting and presenting their findings.  Teaching ...
