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OSU Extension to Hold Herbicide Spray Drift Awareness Workshops
a research appointment with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. "With these new ... Seneca County, Ohio. • June 24 from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m., OARDC Ashtabula Agricultural Research Station, ...
The First Utility Scale Wind Projects in Ohio
scale projects, including facilitating public meeting on the pros and cons, and researching potential ...
Developments Surrounding PCNB and Snow Mold Management
research done at the University of Wisconsin. These are based on having both Gray and Pink Snow Mold being ...
Energize Ohio Train-the-Trainer Workshop
Energize Ohio Signature Program addresses the opportunities and challenges through research ...
CTTC Record Crowd Looking to Conservation Practices for On-Farm Savings
again," said Reeder, who also holds an appointment with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ... the pre-conference event and the cover crops session that was offered during the conference," ...
4-H Founder Park, Statue Dedicated
"Theodore was always a big supporter of 4-H, speaking at many 4-H events through the years," Cripe ... said. Also attending the event were descendents of A.B. Graham, including grandchildren James Graham, ...
Late season diseases showing up in unexpected places in 2015
produces. We have the North Central Soybean Research program soybean variety trial in Northwest Ohio, and ...
Cloverbud Program
Extension in Monroe and Hocking Counties provide 4-H Cloverbud Volunteers with research based information in ...
Asssessment of Management Practices on Soil Compaction in Ohio Soils
long-term Triplett-Van Doren plots which are part of the Ohio Agricultural Research Development Center ...
Come support the OSU Pre-Veterinary Medical Association! Present the attached flyer at Cazuelas Grill on Monday December 4 th and a portion of the proceeds will go back to Ohio State’s Pre-Vet Club. Must have physical flyer upon payment to participate in ...