CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Past Events


  2. Celebration of Students

    Showcase your culture. Present your country. Represent your region. Share food, music, decorations, crafts, memorabilia Tuesday April 4th 3:30 to 5:30 pm at the Ag Admin Auditorium.  To participate, visit the link. For more info, contact Pamela Thomas.  C ...

  3. Junior Fair Board Skyline Event

    Bring your family and friends out to enjoy lunch and a portion of the sales from 12-4:00pm will be given to the Clinton County JFB. ...

  4. Boehm Reception

    videolinked to the department in Wooster (back screen). The cake decorations signify Mike's move to ...

  5. SENR Internship Stories

    with doing volunteer work, exploring the Houston, Texas area, and attending other Marathon events ...

  6. The Faces of AEDE: Nicholas Rettig, AEDE Undergraduate Student in Agribusiness and Applied Economics

    makes going to class fun and incorporates current events into the examples he provides in the classroom. ...

  7. Department Budget Table Deadline

    Final date for funding source change requests.  Must be approved on all levels and on the Service Center worklist by the end of day. ...

  8. Department Budget Table Deadline

    Final date for funding source change requests.  Must be approved on all levels and on the Service Center worklist by the end of day. ...

  9. Department Budget Table Deadline

    Final date for funding source change requests.  Must be approved on all levels and on the Service Center worklist by the end of day. ...

  10. Department Budget Table Deadline

    Final date for funding source change requests.  Must be approved on all levels and on the Service Center worklist by the end of day. ...
