CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Neo-Extractive Development Models, Anti-Neoliberal Social Policies, and Radical Democracy: Myths and Paradoxes of Venezuela’s 21st Century Eco-socialism

      For info contact: This event is being presented by the Center for Latin American ...

  2. OSU Well Represented at Ohio Organic Farming Conference

    of Agriculture (USDA) Specialty Crops Research Initiative grant team.-- “15 Measures of Dairy Farm ...

  3. Communiqué March 28, 2012

    a savings to the department and individual travel budgets. Cars can be scheduled by contacting the Columbus ... the 18th annual National Conference on Diversity, Race and Learning set for May 1. This event will be ...

  4. Ag Degrees in Demand: Ohio State University Agricultural Graduates Report Positive Job Outlook

    increase in the number of businesses participating in campus events seeking employees from agriculture’s ... event.” In response to the growing demand of the agricultural financing market, Farm Credit Mid-America ...

  5. OSU Sustainable Ag Tours Set: ‘Learn from the Farmers Themselves’

    Wooster. The farm conducts field tests on managing melon pests. Featured will be trials using row crops and ...

  6. CD Wire- February 11, 2014

    Events found under RiV’s Non-Dossier Items goes in this report. So, it is of critical importance that we ... conference between keynote speakers, meal events, awards and recognition, networking opportunities, a panel ... of “Masters” and a special capstone learning event. Extension directors, administrators, specialists, ...

  7. Third Frontier Assists Appalachia Ohio Businesses Through TechGrowth Ohio

    inception in 2002, grants awarded on a competitive basis to business, industry and universities for ...

  8. CD Weekly Wire- March 10, 2014

    are posted at: Registration ... to plan the Symposium on Small Towns event which will be held in Morris, Minnesota on June 4–5. The ... event is themed "Understanding Rural Migration: Myths, Trends and Opportunities Exposed." ...

  9. Events


  10. Columbus Zoo Mock Interviews

    Attend a Mock Interview with Columbus Zoo on  Friday, April 6. Experience an in person interview and receive personalized feedback and advice on your interview skills. All mock interviews take place in the CFAES Library. Sign up through  Hireabuckeye. Sea ...
