CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Ample Profitable Crop Enterprises Exist for Ohio Growers

    just depends on whether the grower is willing to take the risk." Crop enterprise budget reports ...

  2. 11th Annual Russell Klein Nutrition Research Symposium

    and we look forward to your participation in this monumental event! The Graduate Society of ...

  3. FREE Welcome Back Event – Southern African Animals

    Mr. Andrew Schafer, Southern Africa safari guide and animal behaviorist, will share some of his adventures and discuss how to get involved in opportunities in South Africa.   When: Thursday Aug 24th 6:30‐8:30pm Where: 111 Animal Science   Presented By: OS ...

  4. Poultry Science Club's Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

    From Thursday, March 29 to Friday, March 30, eggs will be hidden around the CFAES Campus and can be redeemed for prizes in the Kottman Lobby from 11am-2pm each day! They will have a 5 egg limit per person. Happy egg hunting! ...

  5. OBIC Bioproducts Network Webinar Event: "Algae Feedstocks- Technology and Markets)"

    Feautring: Dr. Stephanie Smith, Beagle Bioproducts Mark Randall, T2e Energy Watch the webinar (Recorded webinar starting on slide 5). ...

  6. CFAES Student Celebration

    Join us for an adventure on Thursday, April 12 for the 65 th  CFAES Celebration of Students (formerly known as the CFAES Recognition Program)! Be sure to join our “Pre-boarding” reception beginning at 4:45 pm, where all are welcome for mingling and variou ...

  7. Past Events

    Dr. Linda Saif wins Wolf Prize in Agriculture OARDC scientist Linda Saif   received the 2015 Wolf Prize in Agriculture for her work on viral diseases of critical importance to farm animals, food safety and human health.   ...

  8. Governor Strickland Proclaims Master Gardener Volunteer Week

    Volunteer Program Week, Master Gardeners across the state will be holding events and activities during the ... House to beautify the area. The event takes place on May 20 at 6 p.m. For more information, contact the ... a beautification project with the Napoleon Chamber of Commerce. The event, taking place on May 23, will involve ...

  9. Millennials @ Work

    to take on leadership roles. Learn about the culture and events that have shaped the Millennial ...

  10. Turfgrass Health: The Crabgrass Games

    crabgrass germination, such as growing degree days (GDDs), phenological events like forsythia bloom drop, ... free. Check with a land-grant university or state turfgrass specialists near you to see if a similar ...
