CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Make It, Take It


  2. The Stanley Muroff Civil Liberties Forum featuring Mark Winne

    Industrial Agriculture (Beacon Press, 2010).   Event is hosted by the OSU John Glenn School of Public ...

  3. Benage Recognized by Sphinx and Mortar Board

    The Department of Animal Sciences congratulates its own Mariette Benage on her recent recognition ...

  4. Ohio State Convenes iAGRI’s 2nd Climate Change Conference in Tanzania with International Partners

    Dr. Slack commented. “It’s also clear that iAGRI is well known and respected, which is superb given ... the short time it’s been in existence.” Preliminary planning is already in motion for another iAGRI ...

  5. Events


  6. “Tassel Ears” Sightings in Corn

    In most corn fields it is not unusual to find a few scattered plants with a combination tassel and ...

  7. 4-H News and Notes: September 19, 2016

    Office.  In addition as we begin planning for next year it is critically important that we have dedicated ...

  8. 2015 Endangered Species Act Workshop

    recovery plans for how threatened and endangered species will be conserved and ultimately recovered. ...

  9. Professor Honored for Global Commitment

    Ockerman makes it a habit to stop at three outlets of Half-Price Books to purchase textbooks, literature or ... it up. Then it's ready to send overseas, primarily to universities where former international ... boundaries when it comes to giving support and help to international students so that they realize the full ...

  10. Tri-State Green Industry Conference

    College, and the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden. It features a variety of high-quality education and ...
