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Management of Turfgrass Diseases Bulletin (L-187 Disease Section Updated)
Turfgrass Diseases, L-187 It can also be found on Ohioline with the other section of L-187, Management of ...
Plant Disease Grad Student Wins OARDC Krauss Award
Ohio suffered its worst outbreak in 15 years. The system predicts when conditions are right for an ... the management of this disease and its associated toxins,” another nominator wrote. Kriss’ advisers ... with it $1,000 and a framed copy of the published paper. OARDC Director Steve Slack presented the award ...
Penhorwood receives national broadcasting scholarship
communication with a concentration in broadcast media. It is a $5,000 award. Penhorwood is a junior year ...
New Pricing for OSU Extension Publications
and are not visible until orders are placed. As before, county offices do not pay for shipping. The ...
Invasive Species
track and map invasive species in Ohio. It's called the Great Lakes Early Detection App. ...
Soybean Planting Date, Seeding Rate, and Row Width
planting. Do not plant early if the soil is excessively cold or wet. Slower germination and compaction can ...
Practical Issues in the Econometric Evaluation of Agricultural Policy
risks. This event is open to the public and RSVPs are not required. If you have any questions, please ...
200 (Wooster) Friday, January 26, 2018- 11:30am to 1:30pm ...
Six honored by CFAES
at an event in Columbus on March 7, 2015. ...
OSU Collegiate 4H
days: August 27(if at all possible--I know it's last minute), September 24, October 8, ...