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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Workshop: How to Grow Bigger, Better Strawberries and Get Them Earlier

    Small-fruit researchers with the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University will offer a workshop May 25 on a production method that results in larger, sweeter strawberries and can help growers extend the harves ...

  2. Nicol to complete Ohio agriscience education internship

    a graduate of Fairbanks High School. The agriscience education major at Ohio State prepares its students you ...

  3. Fall Agritourism Preparedness

    trained to use them. It’s a good idea to contact your local fire department prior to the beginning of your ... This will assist them if any emergency occurs on your location. It is best to be overly prepared rather ...

  4. Dietary Phosphorus: Economics vs. Environment

    reduced fertility or reproductive efficiency was not mentioned because it is not affected by P deficiency ... and soybean meal.  Feeding a diet with 0.45 vs. 0.35% P is cheaper, but it would increase manure ...

  5. European Dairy Industry Study Abroad

    it was going to be replaced with further manure application and land nutrient regulations that are ... going to limit farm expansion. It was certainly apparent of the increased focus on energy and natural ...

  6. PetPALS Bringing Pets

    see how they act. Make sure all prey animals are in crates or cages during the initial introduction. ...

  7. Rattan Lal named UN Global Dryland Champion

    degradation and drought problems in  drylands  and its related major global challenges." Lal was ...

  8. Journal Information

    a requirement for those in faculty positions. It not only provides peer review validation for the quality of ... open-access, peer-reviewed journal published by Ubiquity Press on behalf of the Citizen Science Association. It ... College and Teachers of Agriculture. It is directed toward the scholarship of teaching and learning in ...

  9. SENR Offers Engaging Programs During May Session and Summer

    “Certainties, Uncertainties, and Truth about Polar Bears and Global Warming, and What It Means to You.”  The ...

  10. Two-Stage Ditch Symposium at National Conference

    featured a day-long symposium on two-stage ditches. The first of it's kind on a national scale, the ...
