CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Why farmers come to the Farm Science Review


  2. Dept event

    200 (Wooster) Wednesday, February 14, 2018- 12:00pm to 1:30pm ...

  3. Get the Latest on Forage Management at Heart of America Grazing Conference

    Grazing Conference this month. The event will be held Jan. 25-26 at the Holiday Inn Hurstbourne in ...

  4. Events


  5. Survey of Flavor Science- Short Course

    applications, it is crucial to have a firm understanding of flavor systems and flavor chemistry.  This survey ...

  6. First Harvest of Forages is Just Around the Corner!

    as fields dry out, if it isn't ready already. First harvest of forage crops and planting of row ...

  7. Buckeyes We're Proud Of!

    Congratulations to Jessica Shrake for receiving honorable mention in the student competition (primarily graduate students) at the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists (AAVP) meeting in Denver, CO this past month!  She completed a collaborati ...

  8. Cold Temperature Impacts on Treatment of Meat Processing Wastewater

    This study assessed the BOD 5 and ammonia removal rates of freezing bioreactors. Bench-scale sand/gravel and sand/textile bioreactors were exposed to 5 freezing-thaw cycles. BOD 5 removal rates were > 99% through out the study. Ammonia removal was 99% ...

  9. Ohio State’s iAGRI Project Receives $4 million in Additional Funding

    to support its overall aim to improve food security in Tanzania. iAGRI is a major Feed the Future ...

  10. Equine Pasture Management Workshop

    Participants will learn to improve management of pastures through soil and fertility management and how to ...
